Event Details

Fort Stanton Living History: Family Day

At Fort Stanton Historic Site
8/17/24, Saturday
10:00am - 3:00pm

Fort Stanton Historic Site

Usually on the second Saturday of the month, this month Fort Stanton Living History will take place on the third Saturday, August 17. With regular admission, visitors can enjoy themed days that celebrate the history of the Fort. Special activities include exclusive tours, children’s craft projects, demonstrations, and more. Today is family day at the Fort. All ages welcome to explore the site and activities!

Schedule of Activities:

10 AM: Living History begins

11:30 AM: Tour of the Old Army Cemetery

11:30 AM- 12:45 PM: Vintage Games

12:45-1:45 PM: Lunch break for Living History actors

3 PM: Living History ends

For questions or information please email Alanea at alanea.white@dca.nm.gov.

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