Event Details

Looking to the Skies: Ancient and Modern Astronomers

At Jemez Historic Site
6/9/24, Sunday
10:00am - 12:00pm

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Join us at Jemez for Looking to the Skies: Solar Viewing, co-presented with The Albuquerque Astronomical Society (TAAS). TAAS member Tom Grzybowski will give a 45-minute presentation about “The Sun’s Nature and How to Observe its Features,” exploring the Sun’s key features that allow it to generate the earth’s life-giving environment. The past year has been significant for solar observation due to the recent publicized domestic eclipses, expected increased solar activity as it reaches the maximum of its 11-year sunspot cycle, and NASA’s focus on missions to explore solar winds and their interaction with the Earth as space weather. Grzybowski will also discuss how to safely observe the sun this year using various types of solar telescopes to see sunspots, solar storms, and prominences. All these features make the Sun one of the billions of “ordinary” stars within our Milky Way Galaxy. Pending the weather, the presentation will be followed by safe sun observation through two types of solar telescopes.

Included with admission of $7/adult. Children 16 and younger are free. Also free to Museum of New Mexico Foundation members, Friends of Coronado and Jemez members, Native/Tribal affiliations, disabled veterans, and foster families.

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