Event Details

Breaking the Silence of Slavery

At Los Luceros Historic Site
7/20/24, Saturday

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Native Bound Unbound, together with Los Luceros Historic Site, the Northern Rio Grande National Heritage Area, and the Mellon Foundation present a community event inviting people to bring stories, photos, objects, and documents to share in the spirit of recovering the stories of enslaved Indigenous people. The free event will be hosted at Los Luceros Historic Site.

Recovering the stories of the Indigenous enslaved is critical for both tribal communities who were impacted by the loss, and for descendants of those taken. These stories have been quieted over the years by whispers as much as by silence, though the memories and consciousness of them persists. Native Bound Unbound and their partners invite these communities to join together, share their stories, and break the silence.

Native Bound Unbound will also host two more events: Aug. 4, 2 p.m. at New Mexico History Museum, 113 Lincoln Ave., Santa Fe and Aug. 17, 2 p.m. at Hacienda de Los Martinez, 708 Hacienda Rd., Taos.

For questions or to RSVP email info@nativeboundunbound.org.