Event Details

Summer Star Party

At Jemez Historic Site
7/13/24, Saturday
8:00pm - 11:00pm

Purchase Tickets

Join Jemez Historic Site’s Summer Star Party for a fun evening under the stars with astronomy lessons, poetry readings, food trucks, and art and craft vendors! Co-presented with The Albuquerque Astronomical Society (TAAS), Bryan Crawford, a member of TAAS, will give a 45-minute presentation, “Fabulous 50 Summer Stars and Constellations,” introducing people to the summer night sky that will be observed later that evening. Crawford will discuss the notable summer stars, planets, asterisms, constellations, and other dark sky objects such as nebula and galaxies, all of which can be observed by looking through TAAS telescopes in the Jemez dark skies. The talk will be followed by a presenter-led Laser Constellation Tour.

Joining the program will also be special guest Lauren Camp, New Mexico Poet Laureate, whose eighth poetry collection, In Old Sky [Poems Inspired by the Grand Canyon], was written about her time as Astronomer in Residence at the Grand Canyon. Camp will lead visitors along the trail for a poetry recital and invite them to recite poems related to the stars, either their original poems or poetry from their favorite authors. Make it a weekend trip and come back the following morning for our Looking to the Skies program on Sunday at 10 a.m. Camp will also participate in activities that morning. Poetry programming is sponsored by New Mexico Arts.

Admission is $10 for adults. Free for children 16 years and younger. Also free to Museum of New Mexico Foundation members, Friends of Coronado and Jemez members, Native/Tribal affiliations, disabled veterans, and foster families.

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