Event Details

3rd Annual Taylor Collection Bracket Tournament

At Taylor-Mesilla Historic Site
2/27/24, Tuesday

For the 3rd year running, Taylor-Mesilla Historic Property staff have chosen 32 objects from the extensive Taylor Family Collection to compete in a bracket-style tournament. Every Tuesday during the month of March, visitors to the New Mexico Historic Sites Facebook and Instagram will be invited to vote on their favorite of the 32 objects. Over the course of the month, the competitors will be narrowed from 32 until a winning object is chosen. Anyone can participate in this social media tournament by following New Mexico Historic Sites Facebook @NMHistoricSites and Instagram @nmhistoricsites accounts and playing along between February 27 - April 9, 2024.

Located on the historic plaza in Old Mesilla, the Taylor-Mesilla Historic Property embodies the rich history and heritage of the Southwest Borderlands. In 2003, the late J. Paul and Mary Daniels Taylor and their family generously donated their historic adobe home and two adjoining stores to the Museum of New Mexico. This is a fun activity to learn more about the unique collection of Spanish Colonial, Mexican, and New Mexican artwork, furniture, rugs, pottery, and textiles from all over the world.

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